How to set screen time on tiktok, New Featured tiktok 2023

Did you know that TikTok has added a new feature in its application? The new feature is called Screen Time. With this feature, you can set how long you watch videos on TikTok. In this article, we will provide information on how to set Screen Time on TikTok. Read this article so that you can use the feature.

TikTok is a very popular platform for sharing short videos. It is used by many people all over the world. They spend their time watching TikTok when they have nothing to do. TikTok is indeed a million people's entertainment platform.

We can watch TikTok fyp videos or create content just for fun. Every day, there are always viral contents on TikTok. In TikTok, many content creators are active in making trending videos. Are you also a content creator on TikTok?

Set screen time on tiktok

About TikTok Screen Time

What is TikTok Screen Time? So, TikTok Screen Time is a feature of TikTok that serves as a reminder of how long we watch TikTok. We can set the time we spend watching TikTok to remind ourselves. You know when we scroll through TikTok, we often forget the time. So, we think the Screen Time feature on TikTok is very useful.

There are several time reminder menus, starting from daily settings, rest, sleep, and weekly. We explain them below.

Daily Screen Time

By activating Daily Screen Time, you can set how long you watch TikTok. Daily Screen Time consists of 40 minutes, 60, 90, and 120 minutes. When the time limit is reached, TikTok will log out, and you will need to enter a password to watch TikTok again.

Screen Time breaks

You will get a reminder of rest time from the application if you activate this feature. We can set rest time starting from 1-60 minutes.

Sleep reminder

We think this Sleep reminder is an excellent feature. Many users may often fall asleep while watching TikTok at night. Then their phone remains on, and that's not good. Get a sleep reminder notification from TikTok if you activate this feature.

How to Set Screen Time on TikTok

To activate the Screen Time setting feature on TikTok, first, you have to update the TikTok application. This feature is not available on the old version of TikTok. The following are the steps to set Screen Time on TikTok:

In the TikTok application, tap the Profile at the bottom.

  1. Enter to the profile.
  2. Tap the Menu button in the upper right corner.
  3. Tap Settings and Privacy.
  4. Tap Screen Time, then tap Daily Screen Time.
  5. Follow the steps in the application to set the daily time and enable or disable the settings.
  6. Set the time as desired.
  7. Finish

That's a brief review of TikTok's new Screen Time feature. Now you can use the feature. A feature that is very useful for TikTok users. Hopefully, this article can help you.


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